
Series #6 Episode #14

Series Presenter


Broacast: 1995-08-10

Contestants: Catherine Cork, Sarah Harvey, Ben Boggs, Martin Short, Claire Hatcher, Jim Alexander

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Games Played

Contestant Game Zone Category Time Outcome
Ben Boggs Crystal Stylus Aztec Mystery 2:00 Lose
Claire Hatcher Crystal Shrines Aztec Mystery 2:30 Lock-In
Catherine Cork Sun Wheels Aztec Skill 2:30 Win
Sarah Harvey Balls in Buckets Ocean Mystery 2:30 Win
Catherine Cork Demolish Three Towers Ocean Skill 3:00 Win
Martin Short Seesaw Two Ocean Physical 3:00 Lose
Jim Alexander Clock Face Ocean Mental 2:00 Win
Ben Boggs Egg in the Tree Medieval Skill 2:00 Win
Sarah Harvey Close the Chest Medieval Mystery 2:00 Lose
Martin Short Rope Trick Three Medieval Mental 2:00 Lose
Claire Hatcher Crystal Credits Futuristic Physical 3:00 Win
Ben Boggs Simultaneous Lines Futuristic Mental 2:00 Lose
Jim Alexander Boingy Steps Futuristic Physical 3:00 Win
13 Futuristic: 3
Aztec: 3
Medieval: 3
Industrial: 0
Ocean: 4
Mental: 3
Mystery: 4
Physical: 3
Skill: 3
2:00: 6
2:30: 3
3:00: 4
Wins: 7
Losses: 5
Lockins: 1

Crystal Dome

Contestants Crystals Seconds Gold Silver Total
6 6 30 70 13 57