
Series #6 Episode #8

Series Presenter


Broacast: 1995-06-29

Contestants: Karen Brett, Julian Shortman, Morna Fletcher, Albert Hsu, Mandi Hale, Colin Rouse

This page is marked as complete, and so all information contained within can be accepted as fact.

Games Played

Contestant Game Zone Category Time Outcome
Julian Shortman Demolish Three Towers Ocean Skill 3:00 Win
Mandi Hale Clock Face Ocean Mental 2:00 Win
Albert Hsu Seesaw Two Ocean Physical 3:00 Lose
Morna Fletcher Jousting Medieval Skill 2:00 Lose
Julian Shortman Pub Signs Medieval Mystery 2:00 Lose
Colin Rouse Barrel Maze Medieval Physical 3:00 Lose
Karen Brett Roller Maze Medieval Skill 2:00 Lose
Mandi Hale Forcefield Shield Futuristic Mental 2:30 Win
Karen Brett Hazard Symbols Futuristic Mental 2:30 Lose
Colin Rouse Boingy Steps Futuristic Physical 3:00 Win
Julian Shortman Sand Balancing Aztec Physical 2:00 Lock-In
Albert Hsu Crystal Stylus Aztec Mystery 2:00 Lose
Morna Fletcher Crystal Shrines Aztec Mystery 2:30 Lock-In
13 Futuristic: 3
Aztec: 3
Medieval: 4
Industrial: 0
Ocean: 3
Mental: 3
Mystery: 3
Physical: 4
Skill: 3
2:00: 6
2:30: 3
3:00: 4
Wins: 4
Losses: 7
Lockins: 2

Crystal Dome

Contestants Crystals Seconds Gold Silver Total
6 2 10 60 80 -20